Stai navigando i libri della casa editrice Librarie Droz

In catalogo sono presenti 11 libri catalogati nelle sezioni elencate alla destra della pagina:
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Hymnes (1537)

Hymnes (1537)

di Jean Salmon Macrin, Macrin Jean Salmon
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Prezzo: € 112,10
Editore: Librarie Droz
ISBN: 9782600014236
Anno Edizione: 2010
Le Rire a la Renaissance. Colloque International de Lille 2003

Le Rire a la Renaissance. Colloque International de Lille 2003

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Prezzo: € 80,70
Editore: Librarie Droz
ISBN: 9782600013321
Anno Edizione: 2010
Une Controverse Sur La Magie Et La Kabbale a la Renaissance

Une Controverse Sur La Magie Et La Kabbale a la Renaissance

di Jerome Rousse-Lacordaire
In December 1486, Pico della Mirandola published his Nine Hundred Theses. Alerted to the provocative nature of these theses, Pope Innocent VIII set up a commission of theologians, launched an...
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Prezzo: € 88,08
Editore: Librarie Droz
ISBN: 9782600013277
Anno Edizione: 2010
L'Etat Du Monde: Giovanni Botero Entre Raison D'Etat Et Geopolitique

L'Etat Du Monde: Giovanni Botero Entre Raison D'Etat Et Geopolitique

di Romain Descendre
G. Botero enlarged the field of political thought in the sixteenth century by developing questions that would later be central to the social sciences: territory, population, circulation of wealth,...
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Prezzo: € 36,04
Editore: Librarie Droz
ISBN: 9782600011907
Anno Edizione: 2010
Reseaux de L'Esprit En Europe, Des Lumieres Au Xixe Siecle: Actes Du Colloque International de Coppet, Decembre 2003

Reseaux de L'Esprit En Europe, Des Lumieres Au Xixe Siecle: Actes Du Colloque International de Coppet, Decembre 2003

Today's globalizing communications networks draw their origins from the Reseaux de l'esprit of the Ancien Regime which united academies, men of letters, literary societies and intellectuals, and...
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Prezzo: € 40,04
Editore: Librarie Droz
ISBN: 9782600012171
Anno Edizione: 2009
John Calvin and the Reformation of the Refugees

John Calvin and the Reformation of the Refugees

di Oberman Heiko, Peter A. Dykema
In the eight essays collected here, Oberman assesses a half-century of research on Calvinism, probes the matrix of Calvin's early thought, addresses Calvin's message and its appeal to persecuted...
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Prezzo: € 73,67
Editore: Librarie Droz
ISBN: 9782600006873
Anno Edizione: 2009
Autour Du Xve Siecle: Journee En L'Honneur D'Alberto Varvaro (Liege, 10-11 Mai 2004)

Autour Du Xve Siecle: Journee En L'Honneur D'Alberto Varvaro (Liege, 10-11 Mai 2004)

This volume is the fruit of the closing symposium of the International Franqui Chair, which was held by Alberto Varvaro in 2003-2004. Under the impetus of the University of Liege, represented by...
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Prezzo: € 24,00
Editore: Librarie Droz
ISBN: 9782870192924
Anno Edizione: 2008
Securite Collective Et Ordre Public Dans Les Societes Anciennes

Securite Collective Et Ordre Public Dans Les Societes Anciennes

di Pierre Ducrey, Brelaz Cedric
Six presentations followed by discussions. Contents: Introduction par P. DUCREY; H.VAN WEES, Stasis, Destroyer of Men. Mass, Elite, Political Violence and Security in Archaic Greece; W.RIESS, Private...
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Prezzo: € 64,06
Editore: Librarie Droz
ISBN: 9782600007542
Anno Edizione: 2008