Securite Collective Et Ordre Public Dans Les Societes Anciennes

Securite Collective Et Ordre Public Dans Les Societes Anciennes

Six presentations followed by discussions. Contents: Introduction par P. DUCREY; H.VAN WEES, Stasis, Destroyer of Men. Mass, Elite, Political Violence and Security in Archaic Greece; W.RIESS, Private Violence and State Control. The Prosecution of Homicide an its Symbolic Meanings in Fourth-Century BC Athens; A. CHANIOTIS, Policing the Hellenistic Countryside. Realities and Ideologies; C. BRELAZ, Ladieu aux armes: La defense de la cite grecque dans l'empire romain pacifie; A. W. LINTOTT, How High a Priority did Public Order and Public Security have under the Republic?;R. MacMULLEN, The Problem of Fanaticism; Y. RIVIERE, L'Italie, les iles et le continent: Recherches sur lexil et l'administration du territoire imperial (Ier-IIIe siecles); Epilogue par C. BRELAZ et P. DUCREY.
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