Une Controverse Sur La Magie Et La Kabbale a la Renaissance

Une Controverse Sur La Magie Et La Kabbale a la Renaissance

In December 1486, Pico della Mirandola published his Nine Hundred Theses. Alerted to the provocative nature of these theses, Pope Innocent VIII set up a commission of theologians, launched an inquisitorial procedure and condemned all of Pico's theses to the flames. One of the members of the theological commission, Pedro Garsia, who was probably acting at the request of the pope, explained the reasons for which thirteen of Pico's theses had been condemned. These Magisterial Determinations, published in October 1489, are essential for understanding the terms of the philosophical and theological debate in which Pico was engaging. The present book provides a transcription and French translation of this important determination on magic and the cabal, preceded by an introduction explaining the terms and ramifications of the text. French text.
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