di Nina Rose Fischer This book investigates the Youth Police Initiative (YPI) intervention with a comprehensive look at its effects in Boston as well as Brownsville, Brooklyn, a neighborhood that has both rich community...
di Flavia Santoianni, Corrado Petrucco, Alessandro Ciasullo Teaching and Mobile Learning: Interaction Educational Design is a ground breaking book which shows how to design innovative educational mobile learning environments to instructional designers,...
di Terry Goldie Goldie skillfully reveals the ambivalence of white writers to indigenous culture through an examination of the stereotyping involved in the creation of the image of the "Other." The treacherous...
di Robert K. Murray Red Scare was first published in 1955. Minnesota Archive Editions uses digital technology to make long-unavailable books once again accessible, and are published unaltered from the original...
di Stephanie Kirkwood Walker What happens when an individual becomes the subject of many and divergent portraits? "Biography," says Stephanie Kirkwood Walker, "is a deceptive genre. Positioned between fact and fiction and...
di Steven M. Studebaker This collection of criticism is on four of the most-studied plays of J.M. Synge. Along with W.B. Yeats and Lady Gregory he created the Irish literary movement and the Abbey theatre. The playwright is...
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