Stai navigando i libri della casa editrice Walter de Gruyter

In catalogo sono presenti 150 libri catalogati nelle sezioni elencate alla destra della pagina:
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Constituent Syntax: Adverbial Phrases, Adverbs, Mood, Tense

Constituent Syntax: Adverbial Phrases, Adverbs, Mood, Tense

New Perspectives on Historical Latin Syntax is a methodologically uniform multi-authored work that traces main currents in the syntactic history of Latin.Relying primarily on a functional-typological...
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Prezzo: € 159,95
Editore: Walter de Gruyter
ISBN: 9783110205633
Anno Edizione: 2010
Funktionale Anforderungen an Normdaten: Ein Konzeptionelles Modell

Funktionale Anforderungen an Normdaten: Ein Konzeptionelles Modell

Dieses Buch stellt einen Teil der Erweiterung und Entwicklung der Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records dar. Es enthAlt eine weitergehende Analyse der Merkmale verschiedener EntitAten,...
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Prezzo: € 74,95
Editore: Walter de Gruyter
ISBN: 9783110232509
Anno Edizione: 2010
Richtlinien Fur Die Opac-Anzeige

Richtlinien Fur Die Opac-Anzeige

Die Richtlinien fA1/4r die OPAC-Anzeige sollen Bibliotheken und Ahnlichen Institutionen anregen, die Bildschirmanzeigen ihrer OPACs so zu gestalten, dass diese den BedA1/4rfnissen der Nutzer...
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Prezzo: € 54,95
Editore: Walter de Gruyter
ISBN: 9783110232486
Anno Edizione: 2010
Tell Halaf: Im Krieg Zerstorte Denkmaler Und Ihre Restaurierung [With CDROM]

Tell Halaf: Im Krieg Zerstorte Denkmaler Und Ihre Restaurierung [With CDROM]

Als bei einem Luftangriff auf Berlin im November 1943 das Tell Halaf-Museum zerstArt wurde, galt die archAologische Sammlung Max von Oppenheims als unwiederbringlich verloren. ArchAologen und...
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Prezzo: € 159,95
Editore: Walter de Gruyter
ISBN: 9783110229356
Anno Edizione: 2010
Buchwissenschaft in Deutschland: Ein Handbuch

Buchwissenschaft in Deutschland: Ein Handbuch

di Volker Titel, Estermann Monika
In the competition with modern digital media, the book has commanded the attention of a wider public as a medium with its specific advantages and communicative achievements. This collected volume...
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Prezzo: € 179,95
Editore: Walter de Gruyter
ISBN: 9783110200362
Anno Edizione: 2010
Hellenische Identitat in Der Spatantike: Pagane Autoren Und Ihr Unbehagen an Der Eigenen Zeit

Hellenische Identitat in Der Spatantike: Pagane Autoren Und Ihr Unbehagen an Der Eigenen Zeit

di Jan Stenger
In Late Antiquity, and above all in the fourth century, far-reaching changes took place in the political, social and religious environments. The pagan authors of the Roman East (the Emperor Julian,...
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Prezzo: € 129,95
Editore: Walter de Gruyter
ISBN: 9783110213287
Anno Edizione: 2009
Strength Relations in Phonology

Strength Relations in Phonology

This collection of papers explores the theme of phonological strength. The general notion of strength plays a central role in explaining a variety of apparently disparate phonological effects...
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Prezzo: € 129,95
Editore: Walter de Gruyter
ISBN: 9783110218589
Anno Edizione: 2009
[Tau - Omega]

[Tau - Omega]

di Cunningham Ian C., Hesychius Alexandrinus, Hansen Peter Allan
Hesychiusa (TM) 5th(?)-century Greek lexicon is a very important survivor of ancient learning, including fragments of Greek literature and offering material, not yet fully evaluated, on patristic...
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Prezzo: € 159,95
Editore: Walter de Gruyter
ISBN: 9783110222098
Anno Edizione: 2009
Syntax of the Sentence

Syntax of the Sentence

New Perspectives on Historical Latin Syntax is a methodologically uniform multi-authored work that traces main currents in the syntactic history of Latin. Relying primarily on a...
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Prezzo: € 159,95
Editore: Walter de Gruyter
ISBN: 9783110190823
Anno Edizione: 2009
Unimarc Manual: Authorities Format

Unimarc Manual: Authorities Format

The UNIMARC Authorities Format was designed in the early 1990s to allow the creation of authority and reference records for the management of controlled access points in a bibliographic database....
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Prezzo: € 119,95
Editore: Walter de Gruyter
ISBN: 9783598242861
Anno Edizione: 2009