[Tau - Omega]

[Tau - Omega]

Hesychiusa (TM) 5th(?)-century Greek lexicon is a very important survivor of ancient learning, including fragments of Greek literature and offering material, not yet fully evaluated, on patristic writings. The final critical edition was begun by Kurt Latte (Vol. 1, 1953 and Vol. 2, 1966, Copenhagen: Munksgaard; now out of print) and continued by Hansen (SGLG 11/3, 2005). As with vol. 3, the current vol. 4 provides for the first time a detailed report of the unique manuscript and a critical text, taking into account the relevant modern scholarship, and citing parallels from related works. A volume of indexes and addenda is planned (to be SGLG 11/5), as is a revised edition of the two Latte volumes (to be SGLG 11/1 and 11/2).
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