di Chernick Michael R., Friis Robert H. Accessible to medicine- and/or public policy-related audiences, as well as most statisticians. * Emphasis on outliers is discussed by way of detection and treatment. * Resampling statistics software...
di Fowler Robert Booth, Hertzke Allen D., Laura R. Olson A lively and accessible exploration of the historical, cultural, and legal contexts that underlie religious political engagement in the United States
di Brett R. Whittaker, Robert J. Brown, Mark V. Riddle, Lomolino Assuming little prior knowledge, Biogeography explains the relationships between geographic variation in biodiversity and the geological, ecological, and evolutionary processes that shape it. The...
di R. Bertoncelli, Robert Shelton, Paola Merla "Un interprete nuovo e brillante della musica folk è apparso al Gerde's Folk City. Nonostante abbia solo vent'anni, Bob Dylan è uno degli stilisti più originali che abbiano suonato a Manhattan...
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