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Questa categoria contiene 384.078 libri catalogati nelle seguenti sezioni:
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Guida completa Turbo Pascal 4. 0

Guida completa Turbo Pascal 4. 0

di Stephen K. O'Brien
Al momento non disponibile, ordinabile in 3 settimane circa Aggiungi a lista dei desideri

Prezzo: € 30,00
Editore: McGraw-Hill Education
ISBN: 9788838600784
Collana: Guide complete
Anno Edizione:
Views from Fort Battleford: Constructed Visions of an Anglo-Canadian West

Views from Fort Battleford: Constructed Visions of an Anglo-Canadian West

di Walter Hildebrandt
The myth of the Mounties as neutral arbiters between Aboriginal peoples and incoming settlers remains a cornerstone of the western Canadian narrative of a peaceful frontier experience that differs...
Prezzo: € 20,00
Editore: University of Regina Press
ISBN: 9780889772205
Anno Edizione:
The Dictionary of Anthropology

The Dictionary of Anthropology

The Dictionary of Anthropology is designed to become the standard reference guide to the discipline of social and cultural anthropology. Its core consists of substantial analytical articles focusing...
Prezzo: € 67,70
Editore: John Wiley and Sons Ltd
ISBN: 9781577180579
Anno Edizione:
Britain and the Origins of Canadian Confederation, 1837-67

Britain and the Origins of Canadian Confederation, 1837-67

di Ged Martin
In Britain and the Origins of Canadian Confederation, 1837-1867, Ged Martin offers a sceptical review of claims that Confederation answered all the problems facing the provinces, and examines in...
Prezzo: € 25,00
Editore: University of British Columbia Press
ISBN: 9780774804875
Anno Edizione:
Canadian History: a Reader's Guide: Volume 1: Beginnings to Confederation

Canadian History: a Reader's Guide: Volume 1: Beginnings to Confederation

The field of Canadian history has changed and expanded greatly in the last ten years. In these two volumes, which replace the Reader's Guide to Canadian History, experts provide a select and critical...
Prezzo: € 23,00
Editore: University of Toronto Press
ISBN: 9780802068262
Anno Edizione:
Canadian History: A Reader's Guide: Volume 2: Confederation to the Present

Canadian History: A Reader's Guide: Volume 2: Confederation to the Present

The field of Canadian history has changed and expanded greatly in the last ten years. In these two volumes, which replace the Reader's Guide to Canadian History, experts provide a select and critical...
Prezzo: € 25,00
Editore: University of Toronto Press
ISBN: 9780802076762
Anno Edizione:
Canada's Origins: Liberal, Tory, or Republican?

Canada's Origins: Liberal, Tory, or Republican?

di Janet Ajzenstat, Smith
Ajzenstat and Smith challenge the idea of Canada as a country whose liberal individualism, unlike that of the United States, is redeemed by a tradition of government intervention in economic and...
Prezzo: € 22,50
Editore: Carleton University Press,Canada
ISBN: 9780886292744
Collana: Carleton Library Series
Anno Edizione:
NAFTA in Transition

NAFTA in Transition

NAFTA in Transition provides a comprehensive analysis of the economic, social, cultural, and political dimensions of the evolving trilateral relationship among the three countries of North America....
Prezzo: € 35,00
Editore: University of Calgary Press
ISBN: 9781895176636
Anno Edizione:
Tutto il teatro-Centona-Tutte le poesie siciliane

Tutto il teatro-Centona-Tutte le poesie siciliane

di Nino Martoglio
Al momento non disponibile, ordinabile in 3 settimane circa Aggiungi a lista dei desideri

Prezzo: € 15,00
Editore: Newton Compton Editori
ISBN: 9788881835430
Collana: Grandi tascabili economici
Anno Edizione: