NAFTA in Transition

NAFTA in Transition

NAFTA in Transition provides a comprehensive analysis of the economic, social, cultural, and political dimensions of the evolving trilateral relationship among the three countries of North America. Contributors address such topics as energy, the environment, trade, labour, the maquiladora industrial sector of Mexico, the Mexican auto industry, and Canada - U.S. cultural relations. While other publications have focused on U.S. issues, this one emphasizes Canada and Mexico, yet adds significantly to our understanding of the place of the United States in this evolving trilateral relationship. With Contributions By: Robyn Adamache Diana Alarcon Gonzalez Miguel Basanez Bradly Condon Claudia Culos Gustavo del Castillo Vera Michel Duquette Paul Ganster James Gerber Maria Teresa Gutierrez Haces Colin Hoskins Ronald Inglehart William Kerr Herman Konrad Victor Konrad Pedro Marquez Perez Stuart McFayden Robert McRae Neil Nevitte Gerado Otero Stephen Randall Alan Sweedler Dixon Thompson John Herd Thompson Morton Weinfeld Dorothy Zolf

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