2006 Tracklist: Snortin' Whiskey; Life In London; I La La La Love You; Gettin Betta; Wat'cha Gonna Do Without Me; Daddy Long Legs; Heat In The Street; School Of Hard Knocks; Help Me; Stevie; Ready Or Not;...
2006 Tracklist: The Heat's On; Freckle Face; Splanky; The More I See You; A Night In Tunisia; Bag Of Dreams; Things Ain't What They Used To Be; I Needs To Be Bee'd With; Li'l Darlin; Fantail; Jumpin' At...
2005 Tracklist: It's Hot; Watch Yourself; She's Sweet; Don't Cry; Crazy For My Baby; I Smell Trouble; Lovin' Cup; Bring It to Jerome; Cadillac; Tell Me Mama.
Momentaneamente non ordinabile
Prezzo: € 7,25 Anno: 2005 Regia: Produttore: Egea Music
2005 Registrazione del 1989 alla Royal Festival Hall di Londra di The Queen's Suite, composta da Duke Ellington in onore della regina Elisabetta. La suite è composta dai seguenti brani: Sunset and The...
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