Pavement - Slow Century

Pavement - Slow Century

Contiene un documentario sulla band (60') con immagini riprese tra il 1989 e il 1999, 13 videoclip e la registrazione di due concerti live del 1999 a Seattle e a Manchester. Videoclip: Here; Perfume-V; Cut Your Hair; Gold Sounds; Range Life; Rattled By The Rush; Father To A Sister Of Thought; Painted Soldiers; Stereo; Shady Lane; Carrot Rope; Spit On A Stranger; Major Leagues; Major Leagues(alternate video); Rattled By The Rush (alternate video); Cut Your Hair (alternate video). Live: In The Mouth A Desert; Speak See Remember; Spit On A Stranger; Date With Ikea; The Hexx; Box Elder; Folk Jam; Billie; Major Leagues; Shady Lane; Cream Of Gold; Platform Blues; We Dance; Harness Your Hopes; Stereo; Gold Soundz; Killing Moon; Sinister Purpose; Debris Slide; Grounded; Unfair; Two States; Fin; Date With Ikea; Range Life; Summer Babe.
Prezzo: € 14,25
Momentaneamente non ordinabile

Dettagli prodotto

  • Titolo: Pavement - Slow Century
  • Produttore: Self Distribuzione
  • Regia:
  • Attori: Pavement
  • Formato: Dvd
  • Durata:
  • Anno: 2002
  • Nazone:
  • Codice EAN: 5034202000136

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