Subhumans - All Gone Live

Subhumans - All Gone Live

Tracklist: All Gone Dead; Can't Hear The Words; New Age; Waste Of Breath; Big City; Businessmen; Peroxide; Germ; This Years War; Walls Of Silence; Joe Public; Til The Pigs Come Round; It's Gonna Get Worse; Rats; Work Experience; Evolution; Work-Rest-Play-Die; Apathy; Society; Parasites; Subvert City; Human Error; Minority; Mickey Mouse Is Dead; No; Religious Wars.
Prezzo: € 21,75
Momentaneamente non ordinabile

Dettagli prodotto

  • Titolo: Subhumans - All Gone Live
  • Produttore: Goodfellas
  • Regia:
  • Attori: The Subhumans
  • Formato: Dvd
  • Durata: 60'
  • Anno: 2005
  • Nazone:
  • Codice EAN: 5013929930254

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