Rethinking E-Government Services: User-Centered Approaches

Rethinking E-Government Services: User-Centered Approaches

Expecting substantial savings and improved public services a trend further accentuated by the financial and economic crisis beginning in 2008 OECD countries have invested in the development of e-government services over the past 10-15 years. However, despite the initial exceptional take-up, governments later saw low adoption and low use of e-government services which are still far from satisfactory today. This report gives a broad description of the shift in governments' focus on e-government development from a government-centric to a user-centric approach. It gives a comprehensive overview of challenges to user take-up of e-government services in OECD countries and of the different types of approaches to improving it. The monitoring and evaluation of user take-up are also discussed, including the existence of formal measurement frameworks. Good practices are presented to illustrate the different concrete approaches used by OECD countries.
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