On-Line Rights for Employees in the Information Society, Use & Monitoring of E-mail & Internet at Work

On-Line Rights for Employees in the Information Society, Use & Monitoring of E-mail & Internet at Work

In this very significant book, crucial questions arising in the context of the new world of work are explored by a distinguished gathering of academics, civil servants, trade union representatives, managers, employees and students from sixteen countries. At the Conference, held in Brussels in November 2000, participants analyzed trends and the ever-increasing possibilities and opportunities to communicate, monitoring included, in order to clarify such issues as the following: - 'on-line rights' and the form they should take in the workplace; - employer liability for damage to third parties caused by e-mail or Internet activity; - sexual harassment via e-mail or Internet activity; - protection against hackers and other security measures; - safeguarding confidentiality, both employer's and employee's; and, - the right to personal use of the company's communications technology.
Prezzo: € 155,00
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