Matisse come non lo hai mai visto. Ediz. illustrata

Matisse come non lo hai mai visto. Ediz. illustrata

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Highlights on spectroscopies of semiconductors and nanostructures. Festschrift in honour of A. Stella
Highlights on spectroscopies of semicond...

M. Patrini, F. Marabelli, G. Guizzetti, L. C. Andreani
Italian meeting on high energy physics. Proceedings of the 15/th IFAE
Italian meeting on high energy physics. ...

P. Ciafaloni, Paolo Ciafaloni
Italian meeting on high energy. Proceedings of the 14/th IFAE
Italian meeting on high energy. Proceedi...

Massimo Cacciari, L. Trentadue, Matteo Cacciari, Luca Trentadue, F. Fabbri