Dictionary of today's landscape designers

Dictionary of today's landscape designers

This dictionary profiles world-renowned architects, engineers, landscape architects, artists and photographers whose work has given rise to an entirely new dimension in designing the cityscape. It features leading figures from the international scene, including Tadao Andao, Emilio Ambasz, Daniel Buren, Tony Cragg, Walter De Maria, Michael Heizer, Anish Kapoor, Rem Koolhaas, Maya Lin, Richard Long and James Turrel, among many others.
Over the last decade the concept of "landscape" has dramatically changed, Projects that reconstruct large disused areas, the design of public spaces, parks and private gardens, and Land Art all involve landscape design. This field has come to greater prominence with the increase in public projects and by keeping pace with new theoretical approaches and design practices. This volume will be an invaluable reference for any one involved in urban planning, public art, landscape architecture and landscape design.
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