Cinema & Cie. International film studies journal. Ediz. inglese e francese. 5.Transitions

Cinema & Cie. International film studies journal. Ediz. inglese e francese. 5.Transitions

The spectatorship experience and viewing forms have deeply changed during cinema's more than a century of existence. The evolution of the apparatus (from the multi faceted technological innovations that have transformed the cinema medium, to the regeneration, driven by digital technology, of the media scenarios), the changing viewing conditions (the evolution of the trade, the multiplication and differentiation of the fruition spaces), the metamorphosis of the social and cultural scenario (the extension and transformation of the social and discursive networks that the viewers are inserted into and that constitute the inescapable framework of the viewing experience) have changed the relationship forms between film and viewer and the habits and the value of going to the cinema. The present issue of "Cinema & Cie" aims straight for the heart of a question that today, due to the drive towards interactivity and media convergence, is ever more relevant, by examining in depth the viewer's experience. This involves on the one hand an understanding of how many and which factors shape the cinema viewing forms, how they interact with each other and what type of observation, method or approach is more suited to grasp the variety and complexity of the relationships and on the other hand to assess how the cinematic experience can contribute to define the usage modes of other media and even a canon of apperception and understanding of the extra media reality. (From the introduction)
Momentaneamente non ordinabile

Dettagli Libro

  • Titolo: Cinema & Cie. International film studies journal. Ediz. inglese e francese. 5.Transitions
  • Autore: F. Casetti, M. Fanchi
  • Curatore:
  • Traduttore:
  • Illustratore:
  • Editore: Il Castoro
  • Collana:
  • Data di Pubblicazione:
  • Pagine:
  • Formato:
  • ISBN: 9788880333142
  • Arte e fotografia - Arti visive

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