Speech and Writing in English. A Cultural and Linguistic Debate

Speech and Writing in English. A Cultural and Linguistic Debate

Momentaneamente non ordinabile

Dettagli Libro

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Venice. Tradition and food. The history and recipes of venetian cuisine
Venice. Tradition and food. The history ...

Alvise Zorzi, Giuseppe Agostini, W. George
Sicily. Art, history and culture
Sicily. Art, history and culture

Russo Enzo, Francesio Giovanni
The Appian way. From its foundation to the Middle Ages
The Appian way. From its foundation to t...

Della Portella Ivana, Sartorio Pisani Giuseppina, Ventre Francesca
Pellegrinaggio in terra
Pellegrinaggio in terra

Carlettini Raffaele
Giochi tremendi
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Fabbri Angela
Vivere il sogno
Vivere il sogno

Menotti Galeotti
Succubi, nel vento
Succubi, nel vento

Adriana La Terra
Luci e ombre
Luci e ombre

Giovanni Castaldo
Dalla luna
Dalla luna

Serena Pellerano
Il cerchio magico
Il cerchio magico

Francesco Squillante