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Baci da Draghi

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Parallel trade, quality investments and regulation
Parallel trade, quality investments and ...

Matteucci Giorgio, Reverberi Pierfrancesco
Iterative computation of negative curvative directions in large scale optimization: theory and preliminary numerical results
Iterative computation of negative curvat...

Fasano Giovanni, Roma Massimo
Discrete level set approach to image segmentation
Discrete level set approach to image seg...

De Santis Alberto, Iacoviello Daniela
Nonmonotone derivative-free methods for nonlinear equations
Nonmonotone derivative-free methods for ...

Grippo Luigi, Sciandrone Mario
Poesie senza titolo
Poesie senza titolo

Çali Edmond

Zampetti Eugenio
Fully dynamic graph spanners
Fully dynamic graph spanners

Franciosa Paolo G., Ausiello Giorgio, Italiano Giuseppe F.
Employment protection, job-tenure and short term mobility wages gains: a new explanation for the italian case
Employment protection, job-tenure and sh...

Naticchioni Paolo, Panigo Demian

Cassiano Walter
Cycles and growth: a note on development in a market economy
Cycles and growth: a note on development...

Trezzini Attilio, Garegnani Pierangelo