Sposi versione 2.0

Sposi versione 2.0

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Dettagli Libro

Libri che ti potrebbero interessare

Il sogno di Giuda
Il sogno di Giuda

Cassiano Walter
Classical theory and policy analysis. A Round-Table
Classical theory and policy analysis. A ...

Foley Duncan K., Garegnani Pierangelo, Pivetti Massimo
Encoding abstract description into executable web services: towards a formal development
Encoding abstract description into execu...

Salaun Gwen, Chirichiello Antonella
Efficient and cheap bounds for (standard) quadratic optimization
Efficient and cheap bounds for (standard...

Bomze Immanuel M., Tardella Fabio, Locatelli Marco
A tight 4.67. Approssimation algorithm for the multi-commodity rent-or-buy problem
A tight 4.67. Approssimation algorithm f...

Konemann Jochen, Fleischer Lisa, Leonardi Stefano
Curiosando nel nostro passato
Curiosando nel nostro passato

Bosnjak M. Letizia, Bisceglie Anna
Pizzoli, paese dell'anima
Pizzoli, paese dell'anima

Sabatini Alberto
One-way access pricing, imperfect competition and network investments
One-way access pricing, imperfect compet...

Restaino Michela, Reverberi Pierfrancesco
Parallel trade, quality investments and regulation
Parallel trade, quality investments and ...

Matteucci Giorgio, Reverberi Pierfrancesco
Iterative computation of negative curvative directions in large scale optimization: theory and preliminary numerical results
Iterative computation of negative curvat...

Fasano Giovanni, Roma Massimo
Discrete level set approach to image segmentation
Discrete level set approach to image seg...

De Santis Alberto, Iacoviello Daniela