Henoch (2014). Ediz. bilingue. 1: Il rotolo del tempio (11Q19)

Henoch (2014). Ediz. bilingue. 1: Il rotolo del tempio (11Q19)

Editorial / Editoriale (William A. Tooman) Theme Section / Sezione Monografica The Temple Scroll (11Q19). Papers Presented at the Society of Biblical Literature International Meeting, St Andrews, July 7-11, 2013. - Lawrence H. Schiffman, The Temple Scroll between the Bible and the Mishnah - Corrado Martone, Authority and Text in the Temple Scroll - Hannah K. Harrington, Leniency in the Temple Scroll's Purity Law? Another Look Articles / Articoli - Rivka Nir, Did Adam and Eve Have Sex Before Entering the Garden of Eden? Rethinking Jubilees 3:6-12 - Angela Kim Harkins, A Fitting Inheritance for Job's Daughters in the Testament of Job - Paola Mollo, Did It Please God to Kill Them? Literary Comparison between the Birth Accounts of Samson and Samuel - Andrew B. Perrin, Another Look at Dualism in 4QVisions of Amram - Eyal Regev, Prayer Within and Without the Temple. From Ancient Judaism to Early Christianity.
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Dettagli Libro

  • Titolo: Henoch (2014). Ediz. bilingue. 1: Il rotolo del tempio (11Q19)
  • Autore: W. Tooman
  • Curatore:
  • Traduttore:
  • Illustratore:
  • Editore: Morcelliana
  • Collana: Henoch
  • Data di Pubblicazione: 2014
  • Pagine: 160
  • Formato:
  • ISBN: 9788837228262
  • Religione - Religioni

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