Working Mandarin for Beginners

Working Mandarin for Beginners

Working Mandarin for Beginners is designed to enable English-speaking business students and professionals with no prior knowledge of Chinese to develop the basic communication skills necessary for a business trip to China or another work environment where Mandarin is spoken. Major features: -Twenty-four lessons, including five review lessons. -Clear objectives for acquiring language skills, grammar, and cultural understanding. -Lessons cover important basics, such as introductions and greetings, counting, reservations, and taking public transportation. -Lessons cover business tasks such as coordinating and conducting meetings, selling products, and negotiating agreements. Student Book -Includes MP3 tracks of dialogues, vocabulary lists, and audio exercises on CD. Teacher's Edition -Includes a CD-ROM with all MP3 tracks of dialogues, vocabulary, and audio exercises found on the students' disk. Online teaching features at -Instructor-managed class
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