Building on Frege: New Essays about Sense, Content and Concepts

Building on Frege: New Essays about Sense, Content and Concepts

An outstanding philosopher-logician, Gottlob Frege's (1848-1924) work has received much attention in recent years. In the pursuit of Frege's main goal to solidify the foundations of mathematics and scientific work, Frege conceived a comprehensive philosophy of language and developed the main thesis of logicism, that mathematics is reducible to logic. This book contains essays covering a large range of issues related to Frege that will be of great interest to philosophers working on these issues. This volume represents an important addition to the study of Frege.This book contains essays from some of the most important contemporary philosophers investigating Frege's ideas. Treating issues of contemporary interest, this book discusses topics either in a Fregean spirit or in dialogue with Frege's original views. The wide implications of Frege's views are evident in the variety of topics presented in this volume, from the Frege fundamentals to innovative interpretations that break new ground in the study of Frege. Key papers concern the ontological status of propositions and concepts, recent attempts to improve on the semantics of singular terms, the question of how to construe the content of concept-expressions, and other themes within the common grounds in which ontology and philosophical semantics intersect.
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