Modern Foraminifera

Modern Foraminifera

The Foraminifera constitute the most diverse group of shelledmicroorganisms in modern seas. This book, designed as an unusuallywide-ranging, authoritative, graduate text, deals with thesystematics, cell biology, chamber construction, biogeography, ecology, shell geochemistry, and taphonomy of these fascinatingprotists. The chapter authors are recognized experts in their fields.The main theme concerns large-scale and small-scale patterns ofspecies distributions and the environmental processes that affectthese patterns. Critical first principles, whether derived frombiology, chemistry, or geology, are carefully explained."Audience: " Apart from meeting the requirements of courses inforaminiferal ecology, the book will serve well as the major referencein a general course on Foraminifera or one on foraminiferalpaleoecology. It will be of great value to graduate students, and alsoto professionals who are interested in using the sedimentary record offoraminiferal species to answer environmental, paleoenvironmental, orpaleoceanographical questions.
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