Cambridge IGCSE Complete ICT: Student Book (Third Edition)

Cambridge IGCSE Complete ICT: Student Book (Third Edition)

The Cambridge IGCSE (R) Complete ICT Student Book offers a flexible, visual, and practice-based approach that is fully matched to the Cambridge IGCSE (0417) ICT syllabus, for first teaching 2021. The Complete ICT Student Book covers everything that students need to excel in their exams, without overwhelming them. It is written by Stephen Doyle, the author of the previous trusted edition, and sustains the quality of that previous edition with improvements and updates. This Third Edition includes software-specific instructions within the practical sections to fully support students and build their confidence step by step. The series also offers a Teacher Handbook, which provides full lesson planning support, and an Exam Success Guide, which offers targeted activities, examiner feedback and tips to ensure students reach their full potential and achieve their best grades in exams.
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