Applied Hydrogeology: Pearson New International Edition

Applied Hydrogeology: Pearson New International Edition

This best selling book, Applied Hydrogeology gives readers a balanced examination of all facets of hydrogeology. It text stresses the application of mathematics to problem solving rather than derivation of theory. It provides a balance between physical and chemical hydrogeology. Numerous case studies cultivate reader understanding of the occurrence and movement of ground water in a variety of geologic settings. KEY TOPICS: This valuable reference includes five new case histories: The Dakota Aquifer, Fractures Sedimentary Rocks-Newark basin, Faults as Aquifer Boundaries, Desert Hydrology-Azraq basin, Jordan. Uses the Internet to obtain hydrogeologic data and information. Includes well-developed case studies in most of the chapters. Contains tables covering various functions, unit conversions, and additional data for solving well hydraulics, water chemistry, and contaminant transport problems. MARKET: For readers interested in advanced hydrology, groundwater hydrology, hydrogeology, and civil engineering.
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