Portuguese For Dummies, 2nd Edition

Portuguese For Dummies, 2nd Edition

The fast and easy way to learn to speak Brazilian Portuguese Quick! What's the most widely spoken language in South America? That's right, Portuguese! And what's the fastest, easiest, most enjoyable way to learn Portuguese? Portuguese for Dummies, of course! This fun, friendly guide helps you start speaking Brazilian Portuguese immediately! Whether you're a student, a traveler, or you work in business or government, you'll love its practical lessons, cultural facts, and handy references--including a Portuguese-English mini-dictionary, lists of vital verbs, and more! * Have everyday conversations in Portuguese * Make sense of Portuguese grammar * Use idioms and popular expressions * Improve your pronunciation * Grasp verb conjugations * Get around in Portuguese-speaking countries Portuguese For Dummies comes complete with a CD loaded with real-life dialogues that help you understand and pronounce this lovely, lyrical language with ease. CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of the e-book file, but are available for download after purchase.
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