Brush with passion. Mattia Preti (1613-1699) painting from north american collections in honor of the 400th anniversary of his birth (A)

Brush with passion. Mattia Preti (1613-1699) painting from north american collections in honor of the 400th anniversary of his birth (A)

Momentaneamente non ordinabile

Dettagli Libro

  • Titolo: Brush with passion. Mattia Preti (1613-1699) painting from north american collections in honor of the 400th anniversary of his birth (A)
  • Autore: Sciberras Keith, Spike John T.
  • Curatore:
  • Traduttore:
  • Illustratore:
  • Editore: Centro Di
  • Collana:
  • Data di Pubblicazione: 2013
  • Pagine: 96
  • Formato:
  • ISBN: 9780988529311
  • Arte e fotografia - Arti visive

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