The Art of Lobbying: Building Trust and Selling Policy

The Art of Lobbying: Building Trust and Selling Policy

The Art of Lobbying examines lobbying strategies and techniques from the perspective of those who are lobbied--the people who know what resonates and what falls upon deaf ears in Congressional offices.
Momentaneamente non ordinabile

Dettagli Libro

  • Titolo: The Art of Lobbying: Building Trust and Selling Policy
  • Autore: Bertram Levine
  • Curatore:
  • Traduttore:
  • Illustratore:
  • Editore: CQ Press
  • Collana:
  • Data di Pubblicazione: 2008
  • Pagine: 00249
  • Formato:
  • ISBN: 9780872894624
  • Agricoltura - Scienze agrarie

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