Overcoming Zionism

Overcoming Zionism

This work presents a sensitive and insightful critique of the contradictions of Zionism. Joel Kovel argues that Israel is an incorrigible human rights offender because, by discriminating against Arabs, it is guilty of 'state-sponsored racism'. Like arpartheid South Africa, the best hope for peace in Israel is to return to the idea of a one-state solution, where Jews and Palestinians can co-exist in a secular democracy. Kovel is well-known writer on the middle east conflict. This book draws on his detailed knowledge to show that Zionism and democracy are essentially incompatible. He offers a thoughtful account of the emotional and psychological aspects of Zionism that helps us understand the relationship between ideology, culture and political processes. Ultimately, Kovel argues, a two-state solution is essentially hopeless as it concedes too much to the regressive forces of nationalism, wherein lie the roots of continued conflict.
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