Eating with the chefs. Family meals from the world's most creative restaurants. Ediz. illustrata

Eating with the chefs. Family meals from the world's most creative restaurants. Ediz. illustrata

Momentaneamente non ordinabile

Dettagli Libro

  • Titolo: Eating with the chefs. Family meals from the world's most creative restaurants. Ediz. illustrata
  • Autore: Jörgensen Per-Anders
  • Curatore:
  • Traduttore:
  • Illustratore:
  • Editore: Phaidon
  • Collana: CUCINA
  • Data di Pubblicazione: 2014
  • Pagine: 306
  • Formato:
  • ISBN: 9780714865812
  • Cucina - Cucina

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