New Frontiers in Ultrasensitive Bioanalysis: Advanced Analytical Chemistry Applications in Nanobiotechnology, Single Molecule Detection, and Single Cell Analysis

New Frontiers in Ultrasensitive Bioanalysis: Advanced Analytical Chemistry Applications in Nanobiotechnology, Single Molecule Detection, and Single Cell Analysis

As analysis of biological samples and living systems becomes more demanding, new platforms of ultransensitive analysis using multiplexing, single nanoparticle sensing, nano-fluidics, and single-molecule detection have been developed. Furthermore, the emerging fields of nanoscience and nanotechnology provide new possiblities for the development of analytical tools and instruments for biological analysis at much quicker speeds and at much smaller levels. Such powerful capabilities will ultimately lead to the development of new analytical techniques for improving disease diagnosis and treatment, as well as to advancing our understanding of important biological phenomena such as membrane transport, enzyme activities, and intracellular and intercellular signaling. In this book, a diverse group of analytical chemists working in the forefront of ultrasensitive bioanalysis share their insights, visions, and latest results.
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