The Legacy of Rousseau (Paper)

The Legacy of Rousseau (Paper)

Acknowledgments Introduction Clifford Orwin, Nathan Tarcov. 1: The Problem of the Bourgeois Werner J. Dannhauser 2: Rousseau and the Case against (and for) the Arts Christopher Kelly 3: Rousseau, Kant, and the Beginning of History Susan Shell 4: The Tension in the Beautiful: On Culture and Civilization in Rousseau and German Philosophy Richard Velkley 5: Rousseau and Freud on Sexuality and Its Discontents Joel Schwartz 6: Rousseau and the Rediscovery of Human Nature Roger D. Masters 7: Rousseau's Critique of Liberal Constitutionalism Allan Bloom 8: Rousseau and the French Revolution Francois Furet 9: Rousseau and the Origins of Nationalism Marc F. Plattner 10: Rousseau and the Theory and Practice of International Relations Pierre Hassner 11: Rousseau, Ethnicity, and Difference H. D. Forbes 12: Privacy and Community Steven Kautz 13: Rousseau and the Modern Cult of Sincerity Arthur M. Melzer 14: Rousseau and the Discovery of Political Compassion Clifford Orwin Contributors Index
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