Invertebrate Zoology Lab Manual

Invertebrate Zoology Lab Manual

Invertebrate Zoology is an enormously diverse field, providing a rich array of astonishing organisms worthy of study. INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY:A Laboratory Manual, Sixth Edition, is designed to excite your interest in this amazing and wonderful world, but not to satiate that interest. The manual is your invitation to participate in a learner-centered laboratory, an environment that allows you to make first-hand discoveries about invertebrates. The manual is your guide through your studies, asking you to see the organisms in new ways. The manual does not tell you all that there is to see and know, nor does it give you the quick answer. To paraphrase George Perkins Marsh, in this manual it is our aim to stimulate thought and observation, but not satisfy curiosity, and it is no part of our purpose to save the student from the labor of thought. The cover photograph of the jellyfish shown, is symbolic of this pedagogy; while the jellyfish is transparent, the invertebrate must be studied to glean it's secrets.
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