Gtk+ Programming in C

Gtk+ Programming in C

The ultimate guide to building graphical Linux(r)/UNIX(r) applications with Gtk+ 1.2!Write great graphical applications for Linux(r) and UNIX(r)!Leverage the full power of Gtk+ 1.2, GLIB, and GDKIncludes comprehensive Gtk+ widget coverage: explanations, examples, and referenceAlso contains Linux/UNIX C programming quick-start/refresherThe more popular Linux becomes, the more developers want to build graphical applications that run in Linux/UNIX environments-and Gtk+ 1.2 offers a powerful toolset for doing so. In this start-to-finish tutorial and reference, respected Linux/UNIX developer Syd Logan covers everything programmers need to begin building powerful graphical applications with Gtk+ 1.2 immediately. Gtk+ Programming in C covers all this, and more: The fundamentals of Linux/UNIX programming with CA quick GTK+ startup section for novices: constructing simple applications, step by stepUnderstanding GTK+'s flexible C-based, object-oriented architecture Working with signals, events, objects, and typesComprehensive widgets coverage: base, menu, layout, range, scrollbar, scale, container, text, and more Creating and using dialogsContainer and Bin classesExpert introductions to the GLIB and GDK librariesIf you're ready to write easy-to-use applications for the world's fastest growing, most robust OS platforms, you've come to the right book: Gtk+ Programming in C, by Syd Logan.
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