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In catalogo sono presenti 13 libri catalogati nelle sezioni elencate alla destra della pagina:
Libri ordinati per Titolo in modo Decrescente
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Gender equity in health

Gender equity in health

This volume brings together leading researchers from a variety of disciplines to examine three areas: health disparities and inequity due to gender, the specific problems women face in meeting the...
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Prezzo: € 45,20
Editore: Taylor & Francis Ltd
ISBN: 9780415654937
Collana: Routledge Studies In Health And Social Welfar
Anno Edizione: 2012
Fundamentals of Aquatic Toxicology: Effects, Environmental Fate and Risk Assessment, 3rd Edition

Fundamentals of Aquatic Toxicology: Effects, Environmental Fate and Risk Assessment, 3rd Edition

di Gary M. Rand
Moving on from a description of basic toxicological concepts and methodologies, the author discusses various factors that affect transport, transformation, ultimate distribution, and accumulation of...
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Prezzo: € 209,95
Editore: Taylor & Francis Ltd
ISBN: 9780415248495
Anno Edizione:
Europe, migration and identity

Europe, migration and identity

No further information has been provided for this title.
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Prezzo: € 122,72
Editore: Taylor & Francis Ltd
ISBN: 9781138775084
Anno Edizione: 2014