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In catalogo sono presenti 584 libri catalogati nelle sezioni elencate alla destra della pagina:
Libri ordinati per Autore in modo Crescente
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Principles and Practice of Anesthesia for Thoracic Surgery

Principles and Practice of Anesthesia for Thoracic Surgery

di Peter Slinger
This book covers recent advances in anesthesia for thoracic surgery, including advances in management of one-lung anesthesia, lung isolation, and lung transplantation. It includes clinical case...
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Prezzo: € 145,55
Editore: Springer
ISBN: 9781441901835
Anno Edizione: 2011
Introduction to Linear Elasticity

Introduction to Linear Elasticity

di Phillip L. Gould
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Prezzo: € 77,99
Editore: Springer
ISBN: 9781489998101
Anno Edizione: 2015
Multiscale Modeling of Pedestrian Dynamics

Multiscale Modeling of Pedestrian Dynamics

di Piccoli Benedetto, Cristiani Emiliano, Andrea Tosin
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Prezzo: € 88,39
Editore: Springer
ISBN: 9783319066196
Anno Edizione: 2014
An Introduction to Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics

An Introduction to Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics

di Piero Olla
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Prezzo: € 53,49
Editore: Springer
ISBN: 9783319061870
Anno Edizione: 2014
Mathematical Tools for the Study of the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations and Related Models

Mathematical Tools for the Study of the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations and Related Models

di Pierre Fabrie, Boyer Franck
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Prezzo: € 135,19
Editore: Springer
ISBN: 9781461459743
Anno Edizione: 2012
Dynamical Systems: An Introduction with Applications in Economics and Biology

Dynamical Systems: An Introduction with Applications in Economics and Biology

di Pierre N. V. Tu
This book - perhaps the only of its kind - gives a comprehensive account of Dynamical Systems in a plain non-technical language which is as rigorous as it can be made at this introductory level....
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Prezzo: € 83,15
Editore: Springer
ISBN: 9783540576617
Anno Edizione: 1994
Plant Life of the Dolomites: Vegetation Structure and Ecology

Plant Life of the Dolomites: Vegetation Structure and Ecology

di Pignatti Erika, Sandro Pignatti
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Prezzo: € 155,95
Editore: Springer
ISBN: 9783642310423
Anno Edizione: 2013
An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography

An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography

di Pipher Jill, Hoffstein Jeffrey, J. H. Silverman
An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography provides an introduction to public key cryptography and underlying mathematics that is required for the subject. Each of the eight chapters expands on a...
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Prezzo: € 42,59
Editore: Springer
ISBN: 9781441926746
Anno Edizione: 2010
Epistemology and Probability: Bohr, Heisenberg, Schrödinger, and the Nature of Quantum-Theoretical Thinking

Epistemology and Probability: Bohr, Heisenberg, Schrödinger, and the Nature of Quantum-Theoretical Thinking

di Plotnitsky Arkady
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Prezzo: € 155,99
Editore: Springer
ISBN: 9781461424833
Anno Edizione: 2012