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In catalogo sono presenti 16 libri catalogati nelle sezioni elencate alla destra della pagina:
Libri ordinati per Titolo in modo Crescente
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Pragmatism and Realism

Pragmatism and Realism

di Will Frederick L., Kenneth R. Westphal, Macintyre Alasdair
In this collection of nine essays, Will demonstrates that a social account of human knowledge is consistent with, and ultimately requires, realism.
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Prezzo: € 24,10
Editore: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
ISBN: 9780847683505
Anno Edizione: 1996
Red Is Not the Only Color: Contemporary Chinese Fiction on Love and Sex Between Women, Collected Stories

Red Is Not the Only Color: Contemporary Chinese Fiction on Love and Sex Between Women, Collected Stories

The first English-language anthology of its kind, Red Is Not the Only Color offers a window into the uncharted terrain of intimate relations between Chinese women. As urban China has undergone rapid...
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Prezzo: € 22,91
Editore: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
ISBN: 9780742511385
Anno Edizione: 2001
Social Protest and Policy Change: Ecology, Antinuclear, and Peace Movements in Comparative Perspective

Social Protest and Policy Change: Ecology, Antinuclear, and Peace Movements in Comparative Perspective

di Marco Giugni
While movement activists spend much of their time and energy trying to change the world and we think that social movements often matter, our theoretical and empirical knowledge in this field is still...
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Prezzo: € 31,49
Editore: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
ISBN: 9780742518278
Anno Edizione: 2004
The Pity of Achilles: Oral Style and the Unity of the Iliad

The Pity of Achilles: Oral Style and the Unity of the Iliad

di Jinyo Kim
In The Pity of Achilleus, Jinyo Kim examines how the major themes of the Iliad--Achilleus' 'wrath, ' heroic values such as honor and glory, and human mortality and suffering, to mention the most...
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Prezzo: € 23,88
Editore: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
ISBN: 9780847686216
Anno Edizione: 2000
The U.S. Supreme Court and New Federalism: From the Rehnquist to the Roberts Court

The U.S. Supreme Court and New Federalism: From the Rehnquist to the Roberts Court

di Banks Christopher B., John C. Blakeman
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Prezzo: € 49,02
Editore: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
ISBN: 9780742535046
Anno Edizione: 2012
Woodrow Wilson and the Roots of Modern Liberalism

Woodrow Wilson and the Roots of Modern Liberalism

di Ronald J. Pestritto
Woodrow Wilson and the Roots of Modern Liberalism highlights Wilson's sharp departure from the traditional principles of American government, most notably the Constitution. Ronald J. Pestritto...
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Prezzo: € 36,11
Editore: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
ISBN: 9780742515178
Anno Edizione: 2005