di Aa.Vv. This is the first English edition of the most successful Italian cookbook of the last 50 years. It contains over 2,000 recipes compiled from different Italian regions. Presented in a new...
di Robert McCarter Louis I Kahn (1901-74) is one of the most influential architects of the mid-20th century, whose work marked a significant move away from International Modernism towards a monumental and expressive...
di Robert McCarter Louis I Kahn (1901-74) is one of the most influential architects of the mid-20th century, whose work marked a significant move away from International Modernism towards a monumental and expressive...
di A monumental visual record of over 500 carefully selected photos that document African-American history from the early 19th century to the present day.
di Peter Trippi A major monograph that presents a fresh appraisal of the eternally popular work of John William Waterhouse (1849-1917). A re-evaluation of the career of one of themost well-known Victorian artists...
di Mark Francis, Hal Foster Founding Director of the Andy Warhol Museum, is a comprehensive survey of Pop in all its forms-art, music, architectural design, photography and film.
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