di Kenneth Nebenzahl Nebenzahl documents the mapping and discovery of West Asia and the trade routes of the Silk Road. The book includes rare maps spanning 2,000 years of cartographic history.
di Lane Relyea, Briony Fer, Robert Gober Presents the work of this Latvian-born, American-based painter whose career spans from 1960s Pop Art to the present.
di A retrospective on the career of Minimalist painter Robert Mangold (b. 1937), this title also includes essays by distinguished writers on contemporary art.
di A. S. C. Rower, C. Giménez, J. Arino, M. Elorriaga, A. S. Rower Diese Retrospektive über das Werk von Alexander Calder (1889-1976) zeichnet ein umfassendes und einfühlsames Porträt des großen amerikanischen Bildhauers. Der elegant gestaltete Band präsentiert...
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