di Carolyn Barraclough, Suzanne Gaynor 9 units and a Starter unit with 72-120 hours of teaching material 12 pages per unit Video (Drama, BBC Vox Pops and BBC Culture) with every unit One lesson per page (or opening), one skill focus per...
di Antonia Clare, J Wilson The Workbook contains further practice of language areas covered in the corresponding units of the Student's Book. The accompanying 'catch-up' CD-ROM provides extra support for students who miss...
di J J Wilson, Antonia Clare Total English Intermediate is correlated to the Common European Framework. It takes studens from B1 to B2 level. Each lesson guides students to a 'Can do' goal in line with the Council of Europe's...
di Chinua Achebe \'Things Fall Apart\' tells the story of Okonkwo, an important man in the Igbo tribe in the days when white men were first on the scene. Okonkwo becomes exiled from his tribe, as a result of his...
di Roald Dahl One of a series of top-quality fiction for schools. One small boy and his grandmother try to prevent the terrible witches from turning all the children into mice.
di Leila Aboulela Although they work in the same department at Aberdeen University, she as a translator, he as a lecturer in Postcolonial Politics, Sammar and Rae live in worlds divided by simple facts
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