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In catalogo sono presenti 34 libri catalogati nelle sezioni elencate alla destra della pagina:
Libri ordinati per Titolo in modo Decrescente
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Case, animacy and semantic roles

Case, animacy and semantic roles

Scrutinizes the interplay of different combinations of case, animacy and semantic roles, contributing to our understanding of these notions in a novel way. This title deals with such phenomena as...
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Prezzo: € 99,00
Editore: John Benjamins Publishing Co
ISBN: 9789027206800
Collana: Typological Studies In Language
Anno Edizione: 2011
Body memory, metaphor and movement

Body memory, metaphor and movement

Provides the phenomenologically grounded definition of body memory with its different typologies. This title aims to integrate phenomenology, conceptual metaphor theory, and embodiment approaches...
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Prezzo: € 33,85
Editore: John Benjamins Publishing Co
ISBN: 9789027213556
Collana: Advances In Consciousness Research
Anno Edizione: 2012
Argument structure in flux

Argument structure in flux

Offers linguistic themes such as argument structure and encoding strategies; unexpressed arguments; split intransitivity; and existential and presentational constructions. This title also covers a...
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Prezzo: € 111,78
Editore: John Benjamins Publishing Co
ISBN: 9789027205988
Collana: Studies In Language Companion Series
Anno Edizione: 2013
Advances in sociophonetics

Advances in sociophonetics

Covering a relatively large number of Germanic and Romance languages and dialects, this book investigates the fundamental relation between speech variation and the social background of speakers from...
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Prezzo: € 110,92
Editore: John Benjamins Publishing Co
ISBN: 9789027234957
Collana: Studies In Language Variation
Anno Edizione: 2014