di Michael Minelli, Michele Chambers, Business & Management Special Topics Unique prospective on the big data analytics phenomenon for both business and IT professionals The availability of Big Data, low-cost commodity hardware and new information management and analytics...
di Leng Thomas Explores the life and career of the extraordinary polymath Benjamin Worsley - one of the most fascinating figures of a revolutionary age.
di Hathorn Tobias, Duell Ryan, Reist Hathorn Tessa Quickly learn essential Revit Architecture tools and techniques Autodesk Revit Architecture is the powerful, sophisticated building information modeling (BIM) software that has transformed the...
di Graedel Thomas, Leygraf Christofer Die Korrosion eisenhaltiger Werkstoffe verursacht jährlich Kosten von über hundert Millionen Dollar. Was kann die Wissenschaft dagegen ausrichten? Dieser Band beschäftigt sich mit Mechanismen der...
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