di Larrabee David T., Voss Jason A. Analysis and insights from top thought leaders on a pivotal topic in investing and asset management Valuation is the cornerstone for investment analysis, and a thorough understanding and correct...
di Goedhart Marc, Mckinsey & Company Inc., Koller Tim, Wessels David McKinsey's Trusted Guide to Teaching Corporate Valuation is Back and Better than Ever Designed for classroom use, Valuation, University Edition Fifth Edition is filled with the expert guidance from...
di E. Wen Vaccine Manufacturing and Production is an invaluable reference on how to produce a vaccine - from beginning to end - addressing all classes of vaccines from a processing, production, and regulatory...
di Haykin Ss Unüberwachte adaptive Filterung bedeutet, daß das System automatisch auf Veränderungen der Bedingungen reagiert: Die Filter können sich verschiedenen Situationen anpassen, ohne daß ein Mensch...
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