di Nick Brieger Write clearer business documents more efficiently This brand new self-study book is the ideal way for business people to refine and perfect their written English. It is aimed particularly at...
di Sue Kearsey, Jackie Clegg, Mike Smith Collins IGCSE (R) Biology provides complete coverage of the latest Cambridge IGCSE (R) syllabus for Biology and is packed full of questions, in depth content, practical investigative skills features...
di Mike Gould, Rebekah Beattie Prepare for the Cambridge IGCSE Drama 2022 syllabus with an approach that helps to create a varied, stimulating and enjoyable learning environment that enables students of different confidence and...
di Mike Gould, Jane Gould, Lorna Pepper Collins Cambridge IGCSE (R) English as a Second Language Second Edition has been fully updated to match the new Cambridge IGCSE (R) English as a Second Language syllabus 0510/0511 (for first...
di Malcolm Bradley, Susan Gardner Collins IGCSE (R) Physics provides complete coverage of the latest Cambridge IGCSE (R) syllabus for Physics and is packed full of questions, in depth content, practical investigative skills features...
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