di MacDonald Allison Grace, Michael Hague From once upon a time to happily ever after, these are the fairy tales everyone knows and loves. Master artist Hague has selected and illustrated stories for this enchanting collection, compiled...
di Malcolm Bradley, Susan Gardner Collins IGCSE (R) Physics provides complete coverage of the latest Cambridge IGCSE (R) syllabus for Physics and is packed full of questions, in depth content, practical investigative skills features...
di Margaret Thatcher A newly edited, single-volume commemorative edition of \'The Path to Power\' and \'The Downing Street Years\'; this is Margaret Thatcher in her own words.
di Mark Levesley, Chris Meunier, Fran Eardley Inspire and engage your students with this brand new Lower Secondary Science course from Collins offering comprehensive coverage of the curriculum framework including all suggested practicals and...
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