di Marian Barry The only endorsed resource of its kind - specifically for English as a Second Language students. This write-in book ensures students get plenty of practice with the summary and note-taking aspects of...
di James Styring, Nicholas Tims PREPARE 2nd edition Level 6 combines 'teen-appeal' topics with gradual preparation towards the revised 2020 B2 First for Schools exam. Students will enjoy interactive, personalised lessons with...
di Victoria Ellis, Sarah Lawrey Help your students learn essential ICT skills, from Microsoft Office (R) basics to animations and websites. This series brings a fresh approach to ICT for students from 7 to 14 years old, mapped to...
di This collection of examination papers for A1 Movers provides ideal exam practice. It contains three full-colour exam papers which feature activities and attractive illustrations to motivate young...
di This collection of examination papers for A2 Flyers provides ideal exam practice. It contains three full-colour exam papers which feature activities and attractive illustrations to motivate young...
di Sue Elliott, Emma Heyderman Complete Key for Schools is the most thorough preparation for the revised A2 Key for Schools. The Workbook without answers provides further practice of language and vocabulary introduced in the...
di Anna Cowper Each unit in the Student's Book explores a different topic, allowing students to build up their confidence as they acquire the language and skills needed for everyday English situations as well as...
di Lewis Lansford, Robyn Brinks Lockwood Unlock your academic potential with this six-level, academic-light English course created to build the skills and language students need for their studies (CEFR Pre-A1 to C1). It develops students'...
di Anthony Cosgrove, Deborah Hobbs Each unit in the Student's Book explores a different topic, allowing students to build up their confidence as they acquire the language and skills needed for everyday English situations as well as...
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