di Capelo Manuel, González Victor, Lara Francisco Cambridge IGCSE Spanish as a Foreign Language. Coursebook. Con CD-Audio: Cambridge IGCSE Spanish as a Foreign Language. Coursebook. Con CD-Audio Cambridge University Press
di Cargill Thomas F., Sakamoto Takayuki This book provides a complete and self-contained discussion of Japan's economic and political institutions from 1980 up to 2007.
di Caroline Chapman, Susan White, Sarah Dymond Essential exam task practice for class or home study for use alongside a coursebook or intensively before the exam. Focus on essential exam practice for the revised 2020 exams with the Exam Booster...
di Caroline Cooke Complete Preliminary 2nd edition is the most thorough preparation for the revised B1 Preliminary. The Workbook without answers provides further practice of language and vocabulary introduced in the...
di Caroline Cooke, Catherine Smith 'Teen-appeal' topics combined with extensive preparation for the revised 2020 A2 Key for Schools, B1 Preliminary for Schools as well as B2 First for Schools. The Level 2 Workbook provides additional...
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