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Order of the celebration of mass and liturgy of the hours according to the roman general calendar liturgical year 2007-2008

Order of the celebration of mass and liturgy of the hours according to the roman general calendar liturgical year 2007-2008

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Prezzo: € 5,00
Editore: CLV
ISBN: 9788873670643
Anno Edizione:
Order fot the celebration of mass and the liturgy of the hours accordins to the roman general calendar. Liturgical year 2009/2010

Order fot the celebration of mass and the liturgy of the hours accordins to the roman general calendar. Liturgical year 2009/2010

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Prezzo: € 6,00
Editore: CLV
ISBN: 9788873670940
Anno Edizione: 2009
Order for the celebration of mass and the liturgy of the hours. According to the roman general calendar. Liturgical year 2014-2015

Order for the celebration of mass and the liturgy of the hours. According to the roman general calendar. Liturgical year 2014-2015

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Prezzo: € 7,00
Editore: CLV
ISBN: 9788873671862
Anno Edizione: 2014
Order for the celebration of mass and the liturgy of the hours. According to the roman general calendar. Liturgical year 2013-2014

Order for the celebration of mass and the liturgy of the hours. According to the roman general calendar. Liturgical year 2013-2014

Al momento non disponibile, ordinabile in 3 settimane circa Aggiungi a lista dei desideri

Prezzo: € 6,50
Editore: CLV
ISBN: 9788873671749
Anno Edizione:
Order for the celebration of Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours according to the Roman General Calendar. Liturgical Year 2022-2023. In accordance with the third typical edition of the Roman Missal

Order for the celebration of Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours according to the Roman General Calendar. Liturgical Year 2022-2023. In accordance with the third typical edition of the Roman Missal

Calendario ufficiale in inglese che ordina le celebrazioni liturgiche della Messa e della Liturgia delle Ore per tutto l'anno 2023.
In Pubblicazione Aggiungi a lista dei desideri

Prezzo: € 11,40
Editore: CLV
ISBN: 9788873672982
Anno Edizione: 2022
Order for the celebration of mass and the liturgy of the Hours according to the Roman General Calendar. Liturgical Year 2020-2021. In accordance with the third typical edition of the Roman Missal

Order for the celebration of mass and the liturgy of the Hours according to the Roman General Calendar. Liturgical Year 2020-2021. In accordance with the third typical edition of the Roman Missal

Calendario, in lingua inglese, per la celebrazione della Messa e della Liturgia delle Ore per l'anno liturgico 2020-2021.
Al momento non disponibile, ordinabile in 3 settimane circa Aggiungi a lista dei desideri

Prezzo: € 12,00
Editore: CLV
ISBN: 9788873672593
Anno Edizione: 2020
Order for the celebration mass and liturgy hours 2016-2017

Order for the celebration mass and liturgy hours 2016-2017

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Prezzo: € 8,00
Editore: CLV
ISBN: 9788873672074
Anno Edizione: 2016
Order for the celebration mass and liturgy hours 2011-2012

Order for the celebration mass and liturgy hours 2011-2012

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Prezzo: € 6,50
Editore: CLV
ISBN: 9788873671367
Anno Edizione: