Stai navigando i libri della casa editrice Chapman & Hall

In catalogo sono presenti 23 libri catalogati nelle sezioni elencate alla destra della pagina:
Libri ordinati per Titolo in modo Decrescente
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An Introduction to Intersection Homology Theory, Second Edition

An Introduction to Intersection Homology Theory, Second Edition

di Kirwan Frances, Woolf Jonathan
Huge advances in intersection homology theory along with significant applications of the theory have emerged in diverse areas of mathematics. Introduction to Intersection Homology Theory provides an...
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Prezzo: € 56,98
Editore: Chapman & Hall
ISBN: 9781584881841
Anno Edizione: 2006
An Introduction to Gravity Currents and Intrusions

An Introduction to Gravity Currents and Intrusions

di Ungarish Marius
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Prezzo: € 153,98
Editore: Chapman & Hall
ISBN: 9781584889038
Anno Edizione: 2009
A Course in Large Sample Theory

A Course in Large Sample Theory

di Ferguson Thomas S.
Part of the Texts in Statistical Science series, this book is a graduate text on large sample theory in statistics that covers nearly all topics in their multivariate settings. The book includes a...
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Prezzo: € 112,98
Editore: Chapman & Hall
ISBN: 9780412043710
Collana: Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science
Anno Edizione: 1996